Here you can find the configuration guide of ol-butcher

The configuration files are: Config.lua, config_s.lua and html/config.js


In this file you can adapt your inventory to the functions and customize the changemultiplier command (you must have a little knowledge of coding)

You should edit this:

function SearchItem(player, item)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
    	local count = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item).count
	return count

And this:

ESX.RegisterCommand('changemultiplier', 'admin', function(xPlayer, args, showError)
	TriggerClientEvent('ol-butcher:sendDailyMultiplier', -1)
end, true, {help = "Refresh sale multiplier from butcher sell market", validate = true, arguments = {}})


Here you can edit html locales

Locales = {
    ["welcome_message"]: "Welcome to BurgerShot, what do you have?",
    ["daily_message"]: "Today we need:",
    ["sell"]: "SELL",
    ["multiplier_text"]: "Multiplier"

Items = {
    ['chicken']: "Chickens",
    ['pig']: "Pigs"


Here you can edit the locales, markers, 3d texts

Pig config and Chicken config are the same

Here you can set the database job name, if you set "none" the job will be avaible for every player

Config.Job = 'slaughterer'

Here you can set sale multiplier refresh timers, it will be executed every day

h = hour m = minute

Config.Multiplier = {
    {h = 8 , m = 30},
    {h = 9 , m = 30},
    {h = 11 , m = 30},
    {h = 12 , m = 30},
    {h = 17 , m = 30},
    {h = 18 , m = 30},

This is the intial configuration for pigs, you can set:

  • Max number of pigs that player can take while working

  • Money for each pig sold

  • Time for slaught and package animation

  • Fail parcent while catching pigs

Config.MarkerColor           = {r = 255, g = 122, b = 235}

Config.MaxPigs            = 10 -- max ammount of live pigs you can hold
Config.MaxSlaughteredPigs = 20 -- how many dead pigs you can hold
Config.MaxPachagedPigs    = 20 --how many packed pigs you can hold
Config.MoneyForPigs       = 45 --ammount of money you get for packaged pigs

Config.Times = {
    Slaught = 7, -- seconds
    Package = 4,

Config.Notification = "You can hold only %i pigs" -- notification if you have to many pigs in your inventory

Config.FailPercent = 100 -- fail percent while catching (100 = no fail)

This is the config for all the positions

You can create many slaughter or package stations, copy the pattern and edit coords

Config.Positions = {
    Catch = { -- you can put only 1 ranch
        Outside = {x = 2297.44, y = 4915.941, z = 41.39},
        Inside  = {x = 2299.673, y = 4919.846, z = 41.441},

    Slaughter = { -- you can put how many you want, just copy and edit the one above
            x = 983.1,
            y = -2125.3186,
            z = 30.529,
            heading = 6.0,

            pigPropX = 983.1,
            pigPropY = -2121.6,
            pigPropZ = 30.599,
            pigPropHeading = 186.0,

    Package = { -- you can put how many you want, just copy and edit the one above
            x = 985.498,
            y = -2121.712,
            z = 30.475,
            heading = 85.9839

            x = 985.498,
            y = -2117.712,
            z = 30.695,
            heading = 71.9839


Here you can decide where and how many pigs spawn in ranch BE CAREFULL, set the pig's position right because the player will be teleported out only if he catches all the pigs

Config.Pigs = { -- that will spawn in the pigfarm, you can put how many you want, just copy and edit the one above: {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, heading = 0},
    {x = 2308.1897, y = 4934.8223, z = 41.4150, heading = 188.4033},
    {x = 2308.2668, y = 4926.5024, z = 41.4365, heading = 109.0700},
    {x = 2303.5840, y = 4923.3325, z = 41.4152, heading = 124.4389},

Sales area configuration, this is the same for pig and chicken

You can create more stations if you copy the pattern below and paste it in Positions = {}

You can also chose if use a custom ped or marker

Config.Sell = {
    Positions = {
            x = -1177.9528,
            y = -891.5473,
            z = 13.923,
            h = 296.5 -- Used only if UsePed = true 
        -- you can put how many you want, just copy and edit the one above

    UsePed  = true, -- if true you will see a ped in sell position
    Ped     = 'u_m_y_burgerdrug_01', -- works only if UsePed = true 

    MarkerColor = {r = 0, g = 122, b = 0} --color in rgb, Works only if UsePed = false


Blips customization

Here you can set blips as you want, you can create more than one if you copy the pattern

Config.Blips = {
    -- pigs
    {name = "Pigs farm", x = 2297.44, y = 4915.941, z = 41.517, sprite = 273, display = 4, scale = 0.6, colour = 23},
    {name = "Butcher's pig", x = 978.135, y = -2125.108, z = 29.529, sprite = 285, display = 4, scale = 0.6, colour = 23},
    -- chicken
    {name = "Chicken farm", x = 2388.725, y = 5044.985, z = 46.304, sprite = 273, display = 4, scale = 0.6, colour = 46},
    {name = "Butcher's Chicken", x = -83.007, y = 6224.92, z = 31.02, sprite = 285, display = 4, scale = 0.6, colour = 46},
    {name = "Meat sell", x = -1177.9528, y = -891.5473, z = 13.923, sprite = 500, display = 4, scale = 0.6, colour = 11},    

Last updated